Our Corporate Responsibility Statement

We recognise that our social, environmental and ethical conduct has an impact on our community and therefore need to consider the broader implications of our conduct upon those around us.

We therefore take our corporate social responsibilities (CSR) seriously and are committed to advancing our policies and systems across the organisation to ensure we address and monitor all aspects of CSR that are relevant to our conduct as individuals and as a business. These include good ethical behaviour, concern for employee health and safety, care for the environment, community involvement and commitment to advancing the cause of social justice.

We adhere to/believe in the following general principles underpinning:

  • The sanctity of earth and our role as its stewards.
  • The inherent and fundamental rights pertaining to the welfare of all human beings regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, colour, religious/political beliefs and economic conditions.
  • The inherent and fundamental rights of every nation to self-determination

Our Corporate Ethics

Scenovia expects that all of its business is conducted in compliance with high ethical standards of business practice.

We apply these standards to all dealings with our employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders.

Our simple Ethics Policy has been developed to ensure that the business is conducted in adherence with high ethical and legal principles and sets standards of professionalism and integrity for all our employees and operations.

The following is a summary of our corporate ethics policy:

  • all employees have the right and responsibility to ensure that Scenovia’s business are conducted with high ethical and legal principles;
  • our policy is to operate within applicable laws;
  • discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated;
  • all employees have the right and responsibility to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment;
  • no bribes shall be given or received;
  • conflicts of interest must be avoided; and
  • we aim to be a responsible partner within our local communities;

Appropriate ethical behaviour is reviewed as part of the Scenovia’s internal control process.

Employees and Contractors

Scenovia is an equal opportunity employer which encourages and promotes a healthy work-life balance amidst the demands and nature of the business.

Scenovia is committed to providing a safe, fair and stimulating work environment that empowers employees and contractors to make a meaningful contribution to the organisation’s performance and development and offers challenging and rewarding opportunities for personal and professional growth. It recognises the importance of attracting and retaining the best staff.

The organisation operates under an agreed set of values which include an expectation that employees act with honesty and integrity and that everyone is treated with respect.

Community Participation and Involvement

Scenovia actively supports various community and social groups.

Our employees help their communities by volunteering their time to various programs and donating time and skills to local causes. Our recruitment policy clearly spells that candidates must have a strong commitment to social justice.

Most of our staff are directly involved in their various community groups. Scenovia supports and encourages these positions.

We offer our free time and resources to support local communities to advance themselves through pro-bono professional relationships with charitable organisations, where our skills in branding, marketing and corporate communications help these organisations to improve their profile and succeed in achieving their goals.

The case of Philippines.com.au is unique as we provide a dedicated platform and resources to help empower newly arrived Filipino migrants in Australia to network with their peers. The online community now boasts of tens of thousands of members helping each other out and contributing to the social and intellectual capital that this website intends to generate.

Other groups that we are actively assisting among others are:

  • The Rotary Club of Richmond
  • Organisation of Women in International Trade
  • Migrante Australia – a progressive association of Filipinos in Australia

Environmental Responsibilities

Scenovia respects and values the environment and is committed to a greener future. The company works in partnership with clients and suppliers alike to minimise the environmental impact of our businesses.

There is scope for our company and employees to become actively involved in environmental issues, particularly in regard to 1) reducing the environmental impact of our daily actions and behaviours at work and 2) helping clients to reduce the footprint of their business/events through the use of nternet based innovative technologies that assist in eliminating paper based processes.

We are committed and aim to achieve this by:

  • Buying Green Power;
  • Installing solar energy in our headquarters;
  • Installing water tanks;
  • Maintaining 5 star energy rating in the workplace;
  • Improve waste recycling;
  • Purchasing environmentally friendly products;
  • Offset remaining emissions using accredited and reliable offset programs;
  • Encourage staff telecommuting/working from home; and
  • Measuring and monitoring our carbon outputs

Active Participation and Contribution to the Industry

Scenovia take our role in the industry seriously and are supportive of its activities. We are a long time national supporter and web development partner of Meetings and Events Australia, the peak industry body of meetings and event professionals. Notable contributions include direct support in sponsoring the online submission and judging of Meetings and Events Industry Awards and all aspects of internet marketing of the association’s national conference.

Privacy and Use of Confidential Information

Scenovia complies with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act of 1988. It has established the Scenovia Privacy Charter which defines the organisation’s commitment to protecting the privacy of its clients and employees. The charter is published on Scenovia’s website at www.scenovia.com/privacy.php . We ensure that all business-related information of a confidential, sensitive or private nature is kept confidential and restricted to relevant employees, contractors or third party providers.

Fair Trading

Scenovia competes fairly for business, respecting the rights of other parties. It ensures proper processes for tendering of services are conducted.


Scenovia is conscious of its obligations to comply with all relevant legislation affecting its operations. It has implemented compliance policies, procedures and programs, including an education and training program for employees on areas of law relevant to their operations.

Ongoing Commitments

In order to ensure that Scenovia is meeting its CSR goals, it is important to conduct regular audit progress and set new goals. It is equally important to be able to measure ourselves against our competitors, clients and other sector leaders.

For further information about our corporate social responsibility statement, contact Homer Bassig, Managing Director, Scenovia Pty Ltd on 1300 95 95 55.